8 months!!
That's how long it's been since I've posted something on my blog...
Neglection in its purest form.A lot of stuff happened in the meanwhile though, and trying to think of them in a chronological order is hard...
The offspringJames is 2 and a half now, and you can notice :-)
He's talking non-stop (Flemish to me, and English to mommy), singing along with childerens songs, playing with bricks, jigsawpuzzles, looking and telling us what's happening in his books, and crazy about Jungle Book. (especially the part with the elephants, where he demonstratively stamps around shouting 'Hup two three four, One two three four'!)...
2 weeks ago, we had a bit of a crisis though, as I got a phone call from the daycare centre, telling me that they were taking James to the emergencies in Gasthuisberg (Leuven Hospital), because he had had an accident... I called Cate (not being very prudent with my choice of words, making her jump into a sheer panic), and we both rushed from our jobs to the hospital, to find James happily chattering away with the nurses, stealing their hearts, but with a big bandage around his right index finger...
Apparently he had put his finger between the door and the door jamb, while another kid had pushed the door shut, almost tearing the top of his finger in two... The top part of the top of his finger (with the nail) had separated from the bottom part, you could say it was nearly cleft in twain.
The nurses and doctor calmed us down though, I guess they see these kinds of things, and worse, everyday, and as James bravely went through the operation, his finger was put back together with needle and thread, some support-bandages, and a couple of tears...
We're now almost 2 weeks further, and doing the follow-up treating of the wound ourselves, and I think it's looking good; all is healing wonderfully. Tomorrow a visit to our doctor, he'll probably let us know if the healing process is going well or not.
That's one...
Now number two, because yes my little neglected blog, you don't know yet...
Baby number two is on it's way! Beginning of June is for when it's calculated, and Cate and I really have no clue how we're gonna manage two rascals...
To be honest, the second pregnancy is a lot different than the first... Cate is in month 6, and it's only been lately that we've started to think about all the things we need to arrange for the newborn's arrival... (Where I think, with James we started thinking about everything from the day we knew we were gonna have him...)
Which takes me to the next item...
The HouseDon't ask.
We're not doing bad, but a speedy renovation is the opposite expression for what we are doing...
James' bedroom is now our main-focus, because it needs to be ready asap, so that he can move in and climatize to it, before the new one arrives.
Since last weekend, all the wood-structure is up, now I need to find time to finish the last bits of wood, finish the roof and wall-isolation, lay down the floor, and finish/paint the room...
In a momentary impulse we also started putting in the roof-isolation and false ceiling in the kitchen, but of course we had to stop that, to focus on James' bedroom, as that's the absolute priority now...
With other words, we're continuing... Tim & Cate style.
GeekinessI'm writing this blog-entry on my new pride & joy; a custom built monster of a PC, that I put together around Christmas. Parts bought through work, and case bought in the UK. It's softly humming in the livingroom, next to the TV, with its open side-window emitting a blue electric wave of light to the corner of the room, so that yours sincerely can quietly satisfy his sudden needs of pc-tinkering while still being sat close to his family... Everybody happy(most of the time) ... :-)
Of course the new PC has an important role in my BOINCitis (see my previous blog), delivering 90% of my total daily credits. A true crunching machine :-)
Voila, that's it for now, I'm quite sure I'll be posting a bit more often now, as I'm quite ashamed I have neglected my dear blog so much in the last half year...