Tuesday, March 17, 2009


How about an update?

Quite a lot has changed since my last blog post...

Aki's coming back to Belgium (for her a decision made with mixed emotions, but I can assure you I'm glad she's coming back! :-)).

James is still not making any sense while 'talking', but he thinks he is though... You should hear him explaining to Cate and/or me how his toys should be properly arranged (Usually in a for us, silly parents, very chaotic way)... There's some words becoming more and more pronounced though, like Miaauw (cat), Banana or banaah, ball or babaal, Ballauwn (balloon), girauw (giraf), leuuwww (lion), broom-broom or auwtt... auwwttt..o (car)... It's grand.

I started working at Newtel on the 1st of March; what.a.difference! I get time to study, nice collegues, free lunch, better salary-package, and the idea I can make progress (carreer) again. I really needed this change in my life; one of the better decisions I made in the last few years.

Our house is almost ready for the big building-up again. The leveling of the floor is done (under screed is laid); all electricity has been pulled out and renewed (and this time it's nicely integrated under the floor and in the walls); the future office-space (which used to be the kitchen); is level with the rest of the ground floor (and the tiles will nicely merge from living room to office space); All pipes for sanitary and heating on the ground floor are ready (top floor needs a few more); ...
Next week the guy that so professionaly laid the under screed will put all tiles down in the kitchen, living room, hall, little toilet, sauna space and office space, and then we can start putting the gyproc (plaster boards) against the walls and ceiling on the ground floor. We're getting nearer and nearer to the finish!
(I'll post some pictures of the current state of the house later on, probably tonight at home).

Voila, that's it for now... As progress is made, more news will follow here :-)

1 comment:

Tozansha said...

woohoo, update!!! Ik riek da zeker?!
Ben benieuwd naar de foto's en nieuwe foto's van Jamestje! Ben blij voor jullie dat het einde wat in zicht is. Nu moet'k zeker aan die tuinplannen beginnen werken... ;o)
Tot gauw!!