Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ejourwl... Amamam...brrrrlbl

That bloggers block was over quickly :-)

This morning, while sat in his racing chair on the backseat, James suddenly said to me: "Ejourwl, Amamamm, brrrrlbl."

Which, I think, can be interpreted as "Dad, did you know that the CD-player in the car, playing that music there, is actually using a technology which utilizes light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation?"

To which I happily replied: "Yes James. Here's your dummy."

How kids grow up so fast... beats me...


Dennis said...

haha, nice one ! We want more ! :-D


Tozansha said...

how did you get dummy out of that?!? Does he say mommy and daddy yet??

Kirsten said...

american translation
dummy = pacifier aka binki

Unknown said...

Dear Americans,

After the visit to the childcare centre, I looked in the boot of the car, where I recognised James' dummy, hidden in the pram...underneath the nappies!
I knew it wasn't in the cupboard!

With some humour we agreed the colour was yellow, you know, like the leaves of trees in autumn...

And then I was late for work, and got the sack...

Crappy story, but I guess you get the point? :-p

Tozansha said...

Thanks for the translation Kirsten! I got that one totally wrong!
And Tim, you're being a big meany!

Rene Jungbluth said...

He may be a 'meany' but at least he is writing proper English, ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Chick ! Geniet van de eerste woordjes... af en toe kun je er iets verstaanbaars van maken... Veel terug babbelen in een "normale" taal, hé ! Ontslagen ? Of heb ik het verkeerd begrepen ? Als het zo is dan kun je er alleen maar beter van worden. Iemand met jouw ervaring en kennis kan niet lang zonder werk zitten !
Nl. Jan

Unknown said...

Hahaaa! Thanks dad! :-)

Neenee, nonkel Jan, dat was bij wijze van voorbeeld in't Engels Engels (dus geen Amerikaans Engels)...
"to get the sack" wordt in't Amerikaans "to get fired"... kaderend in mijn betoog tegen het Amerikaans Engels ;-)

Kirsten said...

die Nederlands lessen dat ik heir gevolged heb leren ons Nederlands die in Nederland gesproken is. Mijn leerkrakt was uit Nederland. But I still pride my self on having learned flemmish! (not that my flemmish/dutch is much to speak of what with my horrible spelling and sentance structure.)

Rene Jungbluth said...

Waw, ... after all that time still a remarkable amount of flemish. I am astonished !!!
Don't worry about your spelling/sentences. It's the effort and goodwill that counts.
Still, flemish sounds a lot better then 'dutch' Dutch (and a lot less glutural)
You should hear Aki's 'american' English - like a native !!!